Tenente Giuseppe Zappa, febbraio 1917, Il Pasubio dal lato della Bella Laita ripreso dalla strada che da Santa Caterina porta a Passo Xomo, con elaborazione grafica
© Tenente Giuseppe Zappa – Licenza sconosciuta
Tenente Giuseppe Zappa, febbraio 1917, Il Pasubio dal lato della Bella Laita ripreso dalla strada che da Santa Caterina porta a Passo Xomo, con elaborazione grafica
© Tenente Giuseppe Zappa – Licenza sconosciuta
26.03.2017 / 24.09.2017
This large exhibition, curated by Claudio Rigon and promoted by the Municipality of Schio, the Schio section of CAI (Italian Alpine Club) and the Unione Montana Pasubio – Alto Vicentino, tells the story of the Road built in 1917, between February and December, to serve the Pasubio front. It does so through photographs, objects and documents. In 2017 the Road celebrated its Centenary.
It’s a landmark, a trail which has become incredibly famous in time: between thirty and thirty-five thousand people are estimated to walk this road every year. Many come from different regions, some from different countries, especially Austria and Germany, so we can now say that this place of war has become a place of peace.
Nature, history and human ingenuity are tied together within it.
This is also the chance to reflect on the heritage our mountains offer in terms of history, landscape and environment. We certainly come from an established industrial tradition, but we remain aware of the beauty and uniqueness of our land.
The exhibit also aims to incentivise the development of awareness in tourism, making it sustainable and respectful of the environment and its history.
The exhibition catalogue “La Strada delle gallerie ha 100 anni”, which includes and English translation, is available in bookshops.
Credits: © Club Alpino Italiano © Claudio Rigon