Adriano Tomba, Pasubio, 1994
© Adriano Tomba – Adriano Tomba
Adriano Tomba, Pasubio, 1994
© Adriano Tomba – Adriano Tomba
01.05.2022 / 15.05.2022
With this photo exhibit, Adriano Tomba wanted to express his love for this mountain, which doesn’t just belong to Schio, but rather to Vicenza and the entire Valle dell’Agno, given its history and beauty.
Adriano Tomba’s photographs, which journalist Luciano Santin described as “franciscan”, don’t aim at getting a postcard-type shot, but rather search for hidden and quiet places, for a slower and more aware tourism.
Photographing a landscape is a complex operation, because our environment is the product of transformations which happened in time, thanks to nature or man, or because of the actions of both, which a photographer needs to be able to read and communicate.
From April 24 to May 29 the exhibit “Le montagne dietro casa. Piccole Dolomiti e Pasubio nelle fotografie di Adriano Tomba”, also dedicated to Tomba’s photography, was held at the Civic Gallery Villa Valle in Valdagno. These two exhibits constitute an unprecedented look into the artist’s vision of this mountain.
Credits: © Adriano Tomba