Giuseppe De Nittis

27.04.2024 / 26.05.2024
Paul lefort in ”Gazette des Beaux-Arts”, 1883Although foreign, Mr De Nittis is the most Parisian of our painters. He loves and translates like no one else the appearance of our streets, our corners, our squares with their movement, their chaos, everyday life, tingling and intense, no one better than him, eventually, could paint a Parisian woman with greater truth and wit, inside or outside the home, enthroned in its own living room or while trotting along the way, loitering and wasting time in front of the shop windows, or ‘’where a woman goes when she goes out’’

Audio guide
With the beginning of the renovation work of the Civic Museum Palazzo Fogazzaro, financed by the PNRR’s funds and possible thanks to the ban ‘’Removing of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives to allow wider access and participation in culture M1 C3-3’’, we decided to take this opportunity to present to the public part of the Civic Collection. We’ll propose every month different activities and monographic guided tours, with the aim of bringing the citizens closer to the collection and involve them in the museum’s design.
The cycle Do you know your museum? starts with the monographic exhibition on a painting attributed to the famous painter Giuseppe De Nittis, protagonist of European art of late 19th century. The work, Garden and staircase with dogs, comes from the Giovanni Calendoli Fund held in the Civic Library and the Civic Museum Palazzo Fogazzaro.
From Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 13 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 13 pm and from 15 to 19 pm
Free guided tours every Sunday at 16.30 pm
Free entry