Giorgio Scalco, Elena col quadro, olio su tela, 103 x 133 cm
© Vittorio Sgarbi – Vittorio Sgarbi
Giorgio Scalco, Elena col quadro, olio su tela, 103 x 133 cm
© Vittorio Sgarbi – Vittorio Sgarbi
14.01.2017 / 2.04.2017
The exhibition is dedicated to Schio citizen Giorgio Scalco, Professor Emeritus of the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome.
The artist’s rich and varied life experience took him, since he was young, from Schio to Rome, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Madrid, Berlin, where he showcased more than a hundred personal exhibitions. In this one he presents a precious selection of paintings: still lives, landscapes, portraits and interior scenes, in which he often centres his daughter Ginny and her sweet friends.
Vittorio Sgarbi called him a “scenographer of the soul”, thus underlining his experience as a set designer in Cinecittà, a profession which the artist himself put to the side, preferring to work on his painting. This professional experience is probably the reason for his idea of art as the most sublime of scenographies.
By looking at the world through this lens, he was able to realise pieces which are the sum of the elements they’re composed of, from space to light, from the framing to the pose, with order and control.
The result is a great narrative painting, where the light is a main character acting for itself.