Giovanni Demio and Modern Italian Mannerism

Giovanni Demio, Sacra Conversazione, prima metà XVI secolo, olio su tela, 96 x 131 cm, collezione privata
© fotografie di Nicolò Brunelli, Andrea Samaritani, Gardaphoto – a cura di Vittorio Sgarbi



31.10.2018 / 05.05.2019


The exhibition, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, collects in one place, for the first time, a series of paintings by artist Giovanni Demio, from museums, churches and private collections.

Giovanni Demio was without a doubt Schio’s most relevant artist: Andrea Palladio called him “a man of beautiful ingenuity”. He was a highly ranked painter, skilled in collecting various inspirations in his elaborated Italian Mannerism.

The pieces here exhibited are connected to important testimonies of artists who influenced and were close to the eccentric Schio painter, such as Tiziano, Tintoretto and Veronese, all of whom represent different declinations of Italian Mannerism in Northern Italy.

Aptitude to change, experimentation and initiative are all evident in the pieces here exhibited. These are the characteristics which inspired the artist to travel, to open himself to dialogue and to obtain important commissions throughout Italy. They are also characteristics which we usually associate with great urban entrepreneurs.

The exhibit offers an important contribution to the knowledge of this notable artist born in Schio and still somewhat undiscovered.
