Archivio per l'autore: museo.fogazzaro.admin


A brief guide to the exhibited pieces The entrance to the building is at the top of a small stairway giving access to the portico …

Raul Meel Room

Raul Meel was the guest of honour of the second edition of ‘’Papermade. Internatinal Paper Artworks Biennal’’(link). Originally from Estonia, he studied electric engineering at …

Artists 5th Edition

Romanians Ioan Burlacu, Răzvan Dragoș, Suzana Fântânariu, Dorel Găină, Ana Golici, Raluca Iancu, Gyöngyi Károly-Zöld, Adrian Lis, Cristian Opris, Christian Paraschiv, Ovidiu Petca, Adrian Sandu, …

Artists 4th Edition

Finland​ Ville Andersson, Metropolita Arseni, Jouni Boucht, Synnöve Dickhoff, EGS, Tuomas Hallivuo, Samuli Heimonen, Arja Jäppinen, Kristian Krokfors, Kirsi Neuvonen, Jan Neva, Veera Kaamos Pitkänen, …